Dreamstuff You Should Know

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Sleep is really weird when you think about it. You get 16-24 hours of life out of a human and then they need 8 hours to fully charge.

There are so many interpretations of dreams from psychology and spirituality. They include descriptions of our subconscious resolving conflicts and playing out fantasies to intuition and prophecies.

fMRI studies of the brains of mice show activity similar to when they were trying to find cheese in a maze, suggesting that dreams have a lot to do with learning and integration.

Not only does life influence dreams but dreams sometimes alter the course of history.

(Music by Ethereal Ephemera “Reflections of Sunlight Drifting” and episode artwork on website by Emily Dawn Duforest)

Live Free or Dialogue: Near Death Experience, Eternal Oneness, and Healing Colors with Jose Hernandez

Todd talks with Jose Hernandez.

In 2004 Jose began creating art as a meditative tool. His art has now exhibited in galleries across the US and hangs in private and corporate collections worldwide. Jose founded Inner Immersion, LLC and Immersive Arts, LLP. He is a member of the Association of Transformational Leaders. Jose is featured in the Netflix docu-series, Surviving Death, and the Dr Oz show. He regularly speaks on his near-death experience, and on Art as a Conduit for Healing.

More at https://www.innerimmersion.org

"Live Free or Dialogue" is a conversation series within Michael Todd Fink's "Kind Mind" podcast platform and based on the qualities of dialogue: two individuals (di) communicating with openness, respect and mutual search for meaning (logos).

Raising Health

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You can send mail to: michaeltoddfink@gmail.com

We tend to take for granted when our bodies are healthy and strong. We also tend to assume the worst when there is pain and worry that it will never go away.

In my understanding, health is not a permanent state. Consider all the factors involved with health or disease: physical, psychological, genetic, social, environmental and more. And til now, death is still inevitable.

Each side of life is an opportunity to go beyond our limiting notions of self. In so-called good health, we can expand our awareness past the boundaries of our skin to feel the dis-ease in the wider field of our existence. Then, we can be an agent for positive change and healing.

Dis-ease is a signal to come back to our innermost being. To observe pain in the body with compassion and curiosity, again helps us feel less identified with the corporeal and find equanimity in the pure consciousness.

(Music by Ethereal Ephemera - “Slow Movement in the Light” and episode artwork on website by Emily Dawn Duforest)

When Ritual is Spiritual

Artwork by Emily Dawn

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Send mail to: michaeltoddfink@gmail.com

Relgions have long been the purveyors of rituals or sets of actions deemed sacred or worshipful. Despite the growing disaffiliation with religious institutions, spirituality remains important to most people and rituals have been studied and found to be anxiolytic.

Therefore, we may need to establish secular rituals that are contempltive and modern in nature and serve to relieve and protect against the stresses associated with technology.

The word SPIRITUAL contains the word RITUAL. Todd explains that those three extra letters (S, P, I) can stand for three mindful qualites to remember when designing your own personal ritual for psychological well-being.

Music “A Whole World in Your Eyes” by Bing Satellites and artwork on website by Emily Dawn.

Live Free or Dialogue: Psychology of Inflation, Deflation and Real Hope for Humanity (w/ Jeff Booth)

Image by Chung Chow

Todd talks with Jeff Booth on 12/6/21. You can also watch this conversation on the Michael Todd Fink Youtube Channel.

Jeff Booth is a visionary leader who has lived at the forefront of technology change for 20 years. He led BuildDirect, a technology company that aimed to simplify the building industry, for nearly two decades through the dot-com meltdown, the 2008 financial crisis, and many waves of technological disruption. He has been featured in Forbes, Bloomber, TIME and The Wall Street Journal.

Jeff is also the author of the extraordinary book The Price of Tomorrow: Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future. Follow Jeff on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeffBooth

"Live Free or Dialogue" is a video conversation series within the "Kind Mind" podcast platform and based on the qualities of dialogue: two individuals (di) communicating with openness, respect and mutual search for meaning (logos).

Principles of Polarity

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You cannot have opposites without some opposition. Right, left, masculine, feminine, hot, cold, day, night, and other seeming anitpodes dance or wrestle endlessly.

Another meaning of polarity has to do with terrestrial magnetism around the north and south pole, resulting from the dynamo effect of flowing liquid metal in the outer core generating electric currents.

In the body, there is also biomagnetism but metaphorically the spine is the axis and north is upward and the base is downward. Below, we have the currents of attraction for food, possessions and sex. Above, the search for knowledge, truth and love has its own pull.

Harmonizing these forces within leads to fulfillment in life and understanding our place in the universe. Raising one's consciousness to the north pole, all sense of direction ends. There is no further north and you get the best view of the inner northern lights. Then, one can engage in and enjoy everything below as it arises naturally but without the old attachment and selfishness.

Music “The Vastness of Night” by Ethereal Ephemera and episode artwork by Emily Dawn and the Kind Mind podcast design by Jon Marro.


Illusions of Illusions of Free Will

This is the introduction only. The full episode is available via Patreon membership: https://www.patreon.com/kindmind Thank you for your support!

Free will is the ability to choose between possible courses of action. Many people feel themselves to be the authors of their thoughts, the agents of action and believe this to be true with respect to their decisions.

There is a sense that one could have behaved differently in the past, even though to rewind the tape of life would also remove the present insight. Or as one pop punk band sang it better: the past is only the future with the lights on.

However, most could readily agree that, at the very least, there is not always free will.

For example, a person with Alzheimer's or other type of dementia that severely impairs the ability to perform actions or utilize memory may not have the freedom to choose to behave politely or recognize their loved one. In addiction, it is widely understood that disruptions in the decision-making faculties of the brain lead to similar limitations of choice. Revelations in the neurobiology of drug use disorders continues to shape the moral implications and shift the legal interventions from punitive to rehabilitative.

To take this further, researchers have recently created choice experiments while observing the brain with magnetic resonance imaging and have been able to predict with statistical significance what subjects will choose up to 11 seconds before they are conscious of their choice!

Some argue that even if free will is an illusion, it is an illusion worth preserving. This episode explores different philosophical perspectives and considers what is worth paying attention to including the overlooked mental health benefits of reframing our understanding of free will.

(Music "Breathe" by Bing Sattelites and episode artwork on the podcast website by Emily Dawn)

A Brief History of Fire

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Fire has been such a powerfully creative and destructive element. This episode explores the history of it’s spiritual and evolutionary significance.

Music “The Slow Movement” by Ethereal Ephemera and episode artwork from Emily Dawn

Todd Fink
Original Skepticism

You can support this podcast and enjoy bonus content and access to the Kind Mind studio and virtual meetings by becoming a patron at https://www.patreon.com/kindmind

Are people more skeptical than ever? Or are certain groups more skeptical than others when it comes to science, religion or certain knowledge? When is it good and when is not good to be skeptical?

The word "skeptic" has origins in ancient Greece and the philosophy of Pyrrho. It is derived from the root sound "spek" which meant to look but more specifically to inquire and reflect.

Skepticism has evolved to simply mean doubt, which has its benefits and costs. Trust and doubt is regulated by the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in the brain, which tends to decline beyond 60 years of age.

This is consistent with reports from the National Institute of Justice estimating that 12% of adults over 60 are exploited in financial crimes each year. It also explains why highly intelligent patients with injury to this brain region are more likely to fall victim to seemingly obvious online scams.

But when it comes to skepticism in the broader sense, perhaps we could upgrade our lenses. Generally speaking, we tend to be skeptical of anything that falls outside our worldview and overly welcoming towards that which resides within it.

With subtle meliorating, we can exchange some of our near-sightedness for far-sightedness when it comes to our outlook on life and the nature of things in order to strike a healthier balance that is cautiously optimistic, happily dissatisfied and taking our own thoughts with a grain of salt.

Music “Sunset Serenade” by Ethereal Ephemera and episode artwork on website by Emily Dawn.

Hypothetical HiberNation and Rebirth
Hypothetical HiberNation and Rebirth.jpeg

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Perhaps seasonal affect disorder and winter blues were selected by evolution to help mammals, including humans, withdraw and survive the harsh outer conditions.

Meditation is looking for the inner light, a mini version of the winter solstice. The winter solstice is a mini version of a longer dark period in the world like the pandemic.

Therefore, the equanimity cultivated through contemplative practice prepares the mind to accept the cycles of life and nature and respond wisely.

After long retreat and outer difficulty, there are signs of hope and rare reminders, like the grand planetary conjunction, to look to the stars at night. Rebirth is coming.

This episode considers some evidence and benefits of human hibernation and draws parallels with meditation.

Also, you are invited to reflect on what gifts we have been gestating and would like to give when the time is ripe to birth into the world.

Music “A Calming Influence” by Bing Satellites and episode artwork by Emily Dawn.

Frustration Displacement and Replacement
frustration (by Emily Dawn)

https://www.patreon.com/kindmind - please consider becoming a patron of the Kind Mind podcast and access bonus content.

The etymology of the word 'frustration' traces back to 1500's Latin 'frustratio' which meant a deception.

It's Medieval origin is also relevant in these troubling times as the road ahead is not only fraught with uncertainty due to the novel pathogen but also some groups' novel sense of deception... whether from authority or society or history or even themselves.

However, inside the soil of hardship lies the seeds of clarity. With proper attention and understanding, a real breakthrough is possible with the potential for a blossoming of transformation on the other side - personally and collectively.

If life were really but a dream, then what would be the goal?

If the point is to "wake up," then sailing merrily, merrily down life's stream might delay things. That pleasantness is likely to uphold the reverie and bind you to the dreamboat.

Hence, the wisdom of frustration...

(music "Drifting Light" by Bing Satellites and episode artwork on podcast website by Emily Dawn)

Real Friendshp
Friendship by Emily Dawn

This little gift is my last of 2020 and all about friendship - what really matters.

Thank you for 50 episodes! Your support in the form of listening, sharing, rating, reviewing and at https://www.patreon.com/kindmind is greatly appreciated.

Friendship is not just a relationship that we have with another person, but a way of life.

It is one of four qualities of true love found in the Yoga Sutras and other texts of Eastern philosophy. Wisdom traditions often proclaim
friendship to be the highest form of love because there is more care and less expectation.

There is some intersection with the birth of the self-help literary movement in the West, which is often attributed to writer and lecturer Dale Carnegie, whose wildly popular book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" was published in 1936 and remains one of the bestselling books of all time.

Within, he advises to become genuinely interested in others and states, "you can make more friends in 2 months by being interested in them, than in 2 years by trying to make them interested in you."

In this time of unprecedented upheaval, political discord, class tension and economic disparity - an already dangerously lonely society finds itself facing even more psychological and physical distance.

The wise, in many times and places, have encouraged seekers not to ask, "who is a real friend?" but rather, "am I a real friend?"

Music “Divine Influence” by Bing Satellites and episode artwork on website by Emily Dawn.

Breath is the Root of Inspiration

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Among all the metabolic and visceral processes in the human body - such as digestion and circulation - breathing is unique in that it can function voluntarily or involuntarily. It can be regulated autonomically by the medulla in the base of the brain or controlled consciously in the higher cortex.

This dual-network for respiration is a unique gift of our biology and may be at the root of inspiration when breathing involves the intention to be conscious. Both "respiration" and "inspiration" share the same Latin etymology and contain the core word "spiritus" which means breath.

Deep, conscious breathing is central to many forms of meditation and has been shown to slow down brain waves. It is precisely in the relaxed state of mind that the probability for insight increases according to scientific studies.

Many artists are familiar with chasing the muse and the pursuit of intense feeling. It is quite common that creativity begins with emotion, but it may be limiting to believe it requires it. That notion is probably reinforced by the wisdom of the reverse - emotion can require creativity in order to be processed and released in a healthy manner.

Thus, this episode explores the deeper meaning of inspiration and how all people can be more creative by turning attention inward.

Melodies emerge on a piano not by adding more keys but by highlighting novel patterns that always existed. Poetry springs forth not from new words but by connecting the known words into ever-present constellations of meaning.

Similarly, meditation and calmness of mind enhances the brain through neuroplasticity. This allows the tripartite of inspiration (evocation, transcendence and actualization) to reveal and open once-obscure neural pathways in order to live more creative and fulfilling lives.

(music “Mysterious Ways” by Bing Satellites and episode artwork by Emily Dawn)

Seek Elegance Over Luxury

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Often times, elegance is conflated with extravagance or opulence. There is a relationship insofar as all three involve style, but those other two are meretricious whereas elegance is actually something akin to their inverse.

In elegance, the outward style is simple but behind the appearance lies something powerful and substantive.

In nature, think of the uncomplicated beauty of falling snow. At a glance, it is quite plain in form and color and yet upon closer inspection, one finds countless unique snowflake designs containing exquisite symmetrical patterns. The same can be true of a forest from afar or the ocean or the desert - and the depth of life and meaning within.

Seeking elegance is not synonymous with seeking luxury.

Encounters with elegance can be difficult to put into words. In other disciplines like physics, great scientists have merely suggested "you know it when you see it" like in famous equations E=mc2 or F=MA. A few common letters point to far-reaching theories of special relativity and the laws of motion.

fMRI studies of the brains of mathematicians reveal activation in the same regions associated with the pleasure of viewing a beautiful painting, when their eyes are shown formulas that are simple but powerful and self-reported as elegant.

In life, perhaps "you know it when you feel it."

This episode explores the way of elegance as it relates to the art of choice and leading a life of inner goodness.

Music “Eight Hours” by Bing Satellites; episode artwork on website is by Emily Dawn; podcast logo by Jon Marro.

Here is Your Present
Here is Your Present (by Emily Dawn)

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Living more in the now is like working on a million piece jigsaw puzzle.

The attitude is present-forward. There is some vision or mission and a gradual building towards it materially and spiritually.

But it’s not a race and you can only bring two pieces together at a time in the moment.

If they don’t fit, you accept. If they all fit the first time, it would spoil the game.

Studies show that people are not good at predicting what would make them happy.

Therefore, it is probably wiser to have a personal mission and make choices based on core values.

Not chasing, not grasping - happiness happens.

Music by Bing Satellites, “The Songs of Summer I” and artwork by Emily Dawn.

Tightrope of Patience
Tightrope of Patience

They say patience is a virtue, but it is impatience that society seems to nurture. Technological developments have greatly reduced the times of travel, communication and the fulfillment of desires - reinforcing our expectations for quick results.

However, the pandemic crisis has forced most people to slow down and wait for the storm to pass. If ever there was a time when we needed more patience, it is now.

Psychologists have recently began to study the wellness enjoyed by patient people. They have also identified three kinds of patience: interpersonal flexibility, enduring periods of hardship, and tolerating daily hassles.

This episode explores the health benefits of all three and offers simple yet effective strategies for cultivating patience in our lives.

Music “Ethereral Ephemera - Escape to Dreamscape II” by Bing Satellites. Episode artwork by Emily Dawn

Live Free or Dialogue
live free or dialogue

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"Dialogue" is a Greek word. "Di" implies two and "logos" translates as meaning.

So much communication around difficult topics quickly deteriorates into debate, argument and judging - especially on social media.

Even the word seeming benign word "discussion" means to strike apart, similar to percussion or concussion.

A dialogue is an open and respectful conversation with the aim of finding new meaning together and adding more context. It is not a zero sum game but rather a win-win process.

Music is by Bing Satellites "Ethereal Ephemera - Escape to Dreamscape I"

Episode artwork on the website is also the logo to the youtube video conversation series "Live Free or Dialogue" (https://www.youtube.com/michaeltoddfink) and was designed by Cunningham Falconer.

What's Your Sign

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This episode considers the role of synchronicity, or meaningful coincidences, in finding our way in the world and how they can help us design our life.

with “Music For Dreams” by The Lovely Moon produced by Bing Satellites and Brin Coleman. Episode artwork by Emily Dawn.