"Live Free or Dialogue" is a video conversation series within the "Kind Mind" podcast platform and based on the etymology of the word dialogue: two individuals (di) communicating with openness, respect and mutual search for meaning (logos).
Todd talks with visionary thinkers and leaders from eminent philosophers and scientists to Grammy and Golden Globe winning artists and bestselling authors…
Mark is a cognitive scientist and professor at Truman State University and the author of “Psychology and Retrocausality.”
Sarah is a women’s rites of passage leader and author of ‘Maiden to Mother.’
Jay directs the Tibetan Studies program at Smith College and is a visiting professor of Buddhist philosophy at Harvard.
Vitaliy is the CEO of investment firm IMA and author of Soul in the Game.
Alex is the lead singer of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and a Golden Globe winning composer.
Jose is a member of the Association of Transformational Leaders and is featured in the Netflix docu-series, Surviving Death.
Kute is a transformational teacher, speaker, visionary, guide and national best-selling author of You.Are.The.One.
Joshua is a therapist at Owens Counseling and host of the podcast Josh The Informer.
Jeff is a visionary leader and author of The Price of Tomorrow: Why Deflation is the Key to an Abundant Future.
Sandy is the Founder of Better Place Forests, America's first conservation memorial forest.
Juan David is the founder of digital marketing consultancy Optimum Smart and author of Generation Optimism.
Fred is the Vice President of Development at UCAN, an innovative organization transforming lives of at-risk youth in Chicago.
Augie served 12 years in federal prison for white collar crimes and since created Keeping It Real: A Path to Re-entry.
Lauren is a family therapist, meditation teacher and author of The Mindful Relationship.
Lindsey Antman is the founder of Mind Body Kitchen inspired by personal history of disordered eating and transformation.
Chanelle is the Managing Director, Public and Community Affairs at Teach For America Chicago/NWI and founder of Positively Melanin.