Posts tagged hibernation
Hypothetical HiberNation and Rebirth
Hypothetical HiberNation and Rebirth.jpeg

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Perhaps seasonal affect disorder and winter blues were selected by evolution to help mammals, including humans, withdraw and survive the harsh outer conditions.

Meditation is looking for the inner light, a mini version of the winter solstice. The winter solstice is a mini version of a longer dark period in the world like the pandemic.

Therefore, the equanimity cultivated through contemplative practice prepares the mind to accept the cycles of life and nature and respond wisely.

After long retreat and outer difficulty, there are signs of hope and rare reminders, like the grand planetary conjunction, to look to the stars at night. Rebirth is coming.

This episode considers some evidence and benefits of human hibernation and draws parallels with meditation.

Also, you are invited to reflect on what gifts we have been gestating and would like to give when the time is ripe to birth into the world.

Music “A Calming Influence” by Bing Satellites and episode artwork by Emily Dawn.