Posts tagged receiving
Fragrance on the Hand that Gave the Rose

This is the 99th episode and patreon members will receive a special gift in the mail to commemorate the centennial occasion.

Give, receive and elevate at

'Tis the season of giving, but the societal expectation to buy a bunch of gifts or marketing pressure to spend, spend, spend is not the real spirit of generosity.

As mystic poet Kahlil Gibran wrote,

"It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding; and to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving. And is there aught you would withhold? All you have shall some day be given; therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors'."

Sincere generosity is good for our health and according to psychological studies, our happiness is more linked with prosocial behaviors. And the "warm glow" or "helpers high" corresponds to an actual rise in body temperature and release of feel-good hormones like oxytocin and endorphins.

But how, when or what to give is worth considering further. Additionally, experiments with "hedonic adaptation" reveal that the happiness we enjoy from the same activity or experience diminishes over time but this is not true when giving in the same manner.

This episode explores the ways to give not just materially or commercially once a year but as a healthy habit, to give of ourselves as a spiritual practice but also between mind and body.

(Music “Fade to White” by Bing Satellites and original episode artwork on podcast website)