Posts tagged hope
Hope for Hope

Happy New Year! You can support this podcast at

The theme is HOPE.  It stands out among other virtues because it requires negative circumstances and straddles over the present and towards the future.

Charles Snyder was a psychologist and dedicated researcher of hope, who emphasized its relevance in the context of doing vs being.  Accordingly, hope is a motivational set of cognitive traits that give people a reason to continue pursuing their goals despite the unpredictable nature of the human experience.

He had a beautiful quote,

"A rainbow is a prism that sends shards of multicolored light in various directions. It lifts our spirits and makes us think of what is possible. Hope is the same – a personal rainbow of the mind."

It suggests that additional pathways may exist or appear that we cannot always comprehend in the present.  The past and the future are like the ends of that rainbow.  They seem to be really out there, but they are always inaccessible.

However, a bigger view is always possible in the here and now.

(Intro music “New Apartment” by Coldbrew and “Cinnabar Sunset” by The Lovely Moon)