Speaking about mindfulness at UBS Group in Chicago
Stress and anxiety lecture at Plainfield North High School
Teaching emotional wellness to elementary students in KY
Sustainability conversation with Todd and E. Fink at Floyd Fest, VA
Todd and E. Fink speak about leadership at North Central College
“Todd’s presentation had a profound positive impact, resulting in a cultural perspective shift that has been a great gift to our organization.”
“His presentations are thoughtful and engaging. We have received more positive feedback on Todd’s presentations than other wellness activity we offer. ”
“His presentations resonate so profoundly with our employees that over the years we have come to see him as an integral part of our wellness program’s success.”
“Todd’s seminar was very beneficial for my employees! I can tell how uplifted they felt after learning ways to practice the art of gratitude and just living a happier and more peaceful life! ”
“Todd engaged educators of all levels in learning the science behind mindfulness and the importance of practicing being present and managing stress.”
“Todd provides the perfect blend of education and inspiration.”
“The positive effect he has had on our school and parent community is amazing and much appreciated.”
“The people from our office said nothing but good things about him. It was enjoyed by all. We would love to have him back!”