“Todd’s presentation had a profound positive impact. The interactive nature created a synergy in the room that was incomparable to any other team meeting we have had. The way Todd shared the topic of mindfulness and the science behind it made the concept accessible and applicable to everyone. Todd’s non-judgmental demeanor and down-to-earth style demonstrated the very topic he was speaking about. It is clear that Todd is passionate about his work in that he is a living testimonial to the power of the practice of mindfulness. The organic and authentic delivery coupled with the comfortable and professional way he displayed his own vulnerability invited the group to do the same, resulting in a cultural perspective shift that has been a great gift to our organization. I have heard nothing but praise from each provider in attendance and I am so grateful for the effects I am still seeing, especially in the boost in team morale, having re-energized our team and further aligned the group with our mission.”
— Jill Setork, Program Coordinator | Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center
“I first saw Mr. Fink speak at a district social worker meeting and I walked out of that presentation feeling empowered and thinking of how impactful he could be at our middle school, with staff, parents and students. He graciously accepted our invitation to speak to our staff. Following the staff presentation, we heard comments about how relaxing, eye-opening and refreshing the presentation was and one staff member even said it was the best in-service she’s ever attended. Mr. Fink accepted another invitation to speak to our parent community. It was our highest attended parent community night, and I was blown away by the attendance, participation, and general interest level of each parent. They were so eager to speak to Mr. Fink afterwards, that they formed a line and waited to tell him how happy they were that they attended or to ask follow-up questions. The positive effect he has had on our school and parent community is amazing and much appreciated.”
— Jill Brown, Social Worker | JFK Middle School
“I had the good fortune of working with Todd from the beginning of our employee wellness program. He demonstrates an insightful, non - judgmental approach to the understanding and importance of mindfulness in our everyday lives. His presentations resonate so profoundly with our employees that over the years we have come to see him as an integral part of our wellness program’s success.”
— Joan Zelinski, Human Resources Director | Village of Plainfield
“It is a pleasure to listen to Todd talk about the benefits of mindfulness and to understand the physiological changes that happen in the body and brain. Todd is well versed in the scientific as well as the emotional and spiritual aspects of being mindful and living in the moment. He is a repeat guest at Four Winds Waldorf School and parents look forward to his visits.”
— Jocelyne Roy, Principal | Four Winds Waldorf School
“I first heard Todd speak when presenting to a large meeting in Galena, IL. The meetings are always relevant and reinforce the ideas of mindfulness: slow down, be aware of the present moment, don’t waste time living in the past or overly concerning ourselves with the future. The only time we have is right now. Accept that we have little control over the world, but we do have complete control of our reaction to events. Todd’s meetings are a monthly reminder to Let It Be.”
— Gerald Kielian, Public Defender | Will County Illinois
“This was an eye opening experience for our parents and community that attended as Todd talked about the importance of Mindfulness as it applies to our everyday lives. After the session many parents requested more workshops and more opportunities to listen to Todd. The presentation left an awareness of Mindfulness for the community members that attended.”
— AJ Hundal, Principal | JFK Middle School
“The presentation on Mindfulness for Chronic Pain was one of the best in-services our Women’s Health Group ever had. Todd’s presentation solidified the mind/ body connection for treatment of chronic pelvic pain and urinary/ bowel urgency. Diaphragmatic breathing is the foundation for Pelvic Physical Therapy treatment allowing for PNS activation with down training of the central nervous system. Furthermore, all health practitioners could use MINDFULNESS in order to be fully present with every patient interaction. Todd’s presentation was very helpful both personally and professionally.”
— Karin Bertulis, Physical Therapist | Edward-Elmhurst Health
“I learn so much and feel so inspired by these meetings. These sessions make me so much more conscious and relaxed at home and at school where I am a teacher. I am more purposeful, less stressed and happier overall. The meetings are so rich with opportunities for me to grow and develop Mindfulness. Todd is an amazing teacher, and I feel so fortunate to be a student in this Mindfulness class.”
— Meegan, Teacher | Oswego High School
“Todd really fascinates me. I listen to a lot of storytelling. Todd’s cadance, quiet confidence and mellow voice draw me in. When I first attended I thought I would hear mystical stories about coincidence. What has brought me back again and again is the science before the storytelling. Also that Todd shares this without notes.”
— Kristie, School Teacher
“Todd mentioned that keeping “your space” clean was pivotal to getting work done. And since I live with my parents my work space, sleep space, yoga/meditation space is all in one room. It’s been probably 5-6 months now but I have kept my space cleaner and I have helped myself accomplish more things than when it was a disaster zone. It’s the small things that build up to the bigger and greater things.”