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Kind Mind Gathering: Messages From Dreams


Kind Mind Gatherings are presented by Todd Fink (host of the Kind Mind podcast and co-founder of The Giving Tree Band) as a way to bring people with open minds and hearts together around a little song, talk, mindfulness practice and conversation about the meaning of life.

Amy Krynicki will share a little wisdom to open the event.
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Topic: Message from Dreams

Bring your dream stories!

Sleep is really weird when you think about it. You get 16-24 hours of life out of a human and then they need 8 hours to fully charge.

There are so many interpretations of dreams from psychology and spirituality. They include descriptions of our subconscious resolving conflicts and playing out fantasies to intuition and prophecies.

fMRI studies of the brains of mice show activity similar to when they were trying to find cheese in a maze, suggesting that dreams have a lot to do with learning and integration.

Realizing that we could spend a third of our life asleep, I want to live more in my dreams or live with my dreams.

Looking forward to sharing special or strange dream stories.

Later Event: May 21
Psychology of Climate Change