Kind Mind Gatherings are hosted by Todd Fink (host of the Kind Mind podcast and co-founder of The Giving Tree Band) as a way to bring people with open minds and hearts together around a little song, talk, guided meditation and conversation about the meaning of life.
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Topic: Psychology of Holiday and Ritual
A surge of coronavirus cases heading into the winter will certainly limit holiday travel and traditional gatherings.
But like so many setbacks this year, it is forcing us to look inward and rethink many things. In this case, what is the true purpose of holidays and the rituals associated with them?
For many, even prior to the pandemic, holidays were not always symbols of joy but rather of pain, depending on one's culture, history or family circumstances.
In a melting pot of ethnicities and religions, "holiday" which is derived from "holy day" cannot be one-size fits all. But if we understand the significance of personal ritual, we may be able to find new meaning and spiritual freedom in this dark season of introspection as we redefine tradition and celebrate new stories of resilience and triumphs of the heart.